Peoria High School JAG Hosts Initiation & Installation Ceremony

Peoria High School JAG Program Initiates Fall Class
November 2, 2021

Students in the Peoria High School JAG program hosted their Initiation and Installation Ceremony on October 14th on their school campus. The occasion is a celebration of the new class of Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates students at Peoria High School and for members to be initiated into their Career Association as part of their coursework.  The event was led by the president of the JAG Career Association, and planned and organized by the students.

The Peoria High School JAG Career Association officers were elected by their peers and will lead their team members in implementing program of work activities throughout the year. While officers have certain duties to fulfill, their primary role is to support and encourage participation of ALL career association members in JAG activities.

Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates focuses on developing career pathways for youth, emphasizing post-secondary education, employment readiness and life-skills training. Connect with us! If you would like more information about JAG in your school and community, click here or call us at 602-216-9503.

Nicole Porter
Communications Manager
AZ Tax Credit Funds
(602) 216-9503 I
10201 S. 51st Street, Ste 125, Phoenix, AZ 85044
Copyright 2020 -  Jobs for Arizona Graduates
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