Every year, Paradise Valley High School JAG students host the schools' annual spooky event... Haunted Paradise. While other programs on the school campus also support the event, the JAG students' role is to manage it from beginning to end including; planning games and activities, building displays such as a life-sized castle, creating marketing posters and more.
The students create teams to oversee and manage the different aspects of the event. During this time, they learn critical communication skills, community relations and leadership. They also use those creative skills when deciding which displays to build, acquiring the materials and working together to complete the event stations. This year, many students and families ventured out on October 28th for the fun night of trick-or-treating, carnival games and enjoyed some rockin' music by the PVHS Choir. The entry fee, which supports the students' fundraiser, was $2 or visitors could bring 2 non-perishable food items that are collected for the PV JAG students' annual canned food drive.
The event was a success with hundreds in attendance and the canned food donations collected will be delivered to the local food bank for the holiday season food drive.
Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates focuses on developing career pathways for youth, emphasizing post-secondary education, employment readiness and life-skills training. JAG consistently exceeds the national standards set by Jobs for America’s Graduates, receiving the prestigious Five for Five Award each year since 2003.
Connect with us! If you would like more information about JAG in your school and community, click here or call us at 602-216-9503.