Bring JAG to Your Community - Ruth Fisher Middle and Tonopah Valley High School

On May 13, JAG met with more than 300 students to introduce them to the benefits of the program for their 2022-2023 school year.
June 3, 2022

Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates has been partnering with schools and community programs since 1980 with more than 40,000 alumni and 1,300 members yearly benefiting from the JAG Advantage. 

The JAG Advantage focuses primarily on project-based learning, employer engagement, and trauma-informed care. Middle to high school students and young adult community program participants have opportunities all year to attend leadership and team-building events, shadow employer partners, and grow personally through a curriculum designed by our dedicated coordinators. 

Recruitment events such as this one at Ruth Fisher Middle School and Tonopah Valley High School offer the opportunity for students who would most benefit from the program to learn more about our leadership opportunities and college/career readiness resources, as well as a chance to express interest for the upcoming school year. For administrators, these events offer valuable insight into the investment students would have in the program and the benefits for the school’s impact overall. 

“We are excited to bring JAG to our school because it is different than other leadership classes,” Tonopah Valley High School Principal Edgar Garcia said. “Teachers and students have many resources during the year and the summer to better prepare for the school year…The program has specific goals JAG coordinators strive for students to achieve.”

We are appreciative of Ruth Fisher Middle School and Tonopah Valley High School’s interest in JAG for their students, as well as hosting us on their campuses for this event. 

We reached more than 300 students and 50 of those students signed up for the 2022-2023 JAG program. 

Interested in bringing JAG to your school or community program? Let us know HERE!

Read our students’ success stories HERE and see our alumni HERE

Kaylee Craig
AZ Tax Credit Funds
(602) 216-9503 I
10201 S. 51st Street, Ste 125, Phoenix, AZ 85044
Copyright 2020 -  Jobs for Arizona Graduates
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