Creative Problem Solving

Math Skills Competition

To allow students to demonstrate their problem solving skills by demonstrating competency in solving practical mathematics problems,
financial literacy and ability to be good managers of their own money

"Turning Leaders into Legends and Obstacles into Oppurtunities"

Competition Guideline

Competion Notes

Competitors may bring a standard calculator to the exam. However, graphic calculators, portable music devices, mobile devices such
as cell phones and all other types of memory storage devices are prohibited. No printed materials or prepared notes will be allowed in
the virtual exam room.

Competitors will be allowed to bring a scratch paper.

The maximum time allowed for the exam will be fifty (50) minutes. The time at which each student turns in his/her exam will be recorded on the top by event staff for tiebreaking purposes. If there is a tie, the student with the shortest completion time will be added one additional point.

The timekeeper will announce when there are 15 minutes remaining, 5 minutes remaining and 30 seconds remaining. At the end of 50 minutes, all exams will be collected. No late exams will be accepted. Timing cue cards will be provided to the judges.

There will be no talking or text messaging among the participants. Any student doing so may be disqualified from competition

Registration and Due Dates

One Entry per Chapter.

This is a day of competition, intent to participate must be declared on bon before
Tuesday January 24th 2023

Proctored Tests are February 27-28th and March 1st.

To Submit electronically please use the adjacent Form.

Registration Form is Coming Soon
AZ Tax Credit Funds
(602) 216-9503 I
10201 S. 51st Street, Ste 125, Phoenix, AZ 85044
Copyright 2020 -  Jobs for Arizona Graduates
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