This event involves a competitor identifying, researching, and presenting on a career of interest.
Competition Guideline
Career Preparation event overview:
• Prepare a career presentation that is a minimum of 7 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes in length adhering to the guidelines outlined below. • The timekeeper will present a flash card advising the competitor when they have reached six minutes, seven minutes, and when there is one minute remaining. • At the conclusion of the oral presentation, competitors will have a three minute question and answer session with the judges. • Examples of questions the judges may ask are: o In what parts of the selected career are you interested? o How did you become intrigued by the selected career? o What is a future career goal of yours? o What role can NCA play in reaching your career goal? o Why are you excited about the selected career field? • Professional ethics demand that competitors DO NOT discuss or reveal any judge questions for ANY event until after the event has concluded. Violation of the ethics rules will be severely penalized per the General Rules & Regulations. • The judges will have three-minutes to evaluate the presentation focusing on the effectiveness of public speaking, presentation content, and how well the participant responded to questions that the judges ask during the presentation.
The Presentation
The presentation should include 10-slide deck addressing the following topics: • Slide 1: Title Page o Career of Interest o Career Preparation Event o Competitor Name o NCA Division o NCA Chapter Number o School Name o State Association
• Slides 2-4: Statement of Interest o Why do you want to pursue a career in the selected field? o What specific career field are you interested in? o How did you get intrigued with the selected career?
• Slide 5: Career Description o Specific roles & responsibilities o Work Environment o Similar Careers o Potential Employers (i.e. Companies)
• Slide 6: Education & Experience o Higher education (College, University, Trade School) o Work Experience in Related Occupation o On-the-Job-Training o Certifications
• Slide 7: Job Outlook o Number of jobs available o Employment Change (growth or decline) NCA Competitive Event Guidelines Career Preparation (2023) ES 3
• Slide 8: Salary Outlook o What is average salary o Opportunities for Advancement
• Slide 9: Personal Statement o What makes you an ideal candidate for this career? o How can NCA play a role in helping you reach your goal?
• Slide 10: References o List of resources used during research.